Chin up, scroll on!

Straighten out your posture to keep doing the things you love, pain-free
Most of us spend more time online than we’d care to admit. Canadians spend an average of more than six and a half hours on the Internet every day — and that’s okay. But, it becomes a problem when you spend that much time with unhealthy posture.
Long hours with your phone in your lap, neck bent forward, back curved, and rounded shoulders can contribute to pain, discomfort, and many more serious and long-lasting problems. Positions like these disperse your weight incorrectly across your body, putting excessive strain on certain spots. This can lead to several painful problems and can even form a hump on your back. Some of these issues include:

- Dowager’s hump or kyphosis
- Herniated discs
- Pinched nerves
- Reduced lung capacity
- Severe headache
- Dowager’s hump or kyphosis
- Herniated discs
- Pinched nerves
- Reduced lung capacity
- Severe headache
- Excessive fatigue
- Persistent posture deterioration
- Increased risk of sprains and strains
- Low self-esteem
- Excessive fatigue
- Persistent posture deterioration
- Increased risk of sprains and strains
- Low self-esteem

We’ve got your back
Your chiropractor has your back and can help protect your spine and posture, even in today’s increasingly online world. You don’t have to change your online habits if you adjust your posture. Here are some tips from Manitoba chiropractors that will help you protect your spine and continue to do the things you love:

Raise your device to eye level rather than bending forward to look down at it.

Keep your chin up with your head and shoulders back while using your device.

Focus on keeping your head in line with your shoulders, hips, knees, and ankles to ensure your spine is in a straight, neutral position.

Change your position every 45 minutes or so.

See your chiropractor.

Your chiropractor will check your posture, address the underlying problems that cause pain and discomfort, and get you back to your best self. They see patients of all ages, from babies to seniors, and provide non-invasive drug-free relief. If you have neck pain when using your device or have concerns about your posture, or that of your children, see your chiropractor for an assessment.